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IP Address List Distribution Based on RouterOS and Openwrt

0. Brief

IP address list distribution with CNIP.

Configurations are based on Mikrotik RouterOS 7.6 .

1. Requirement

A bypass routre with Openwrt required.

2. Get CN IP Address List

CN IP address list can be found from




It's possible to get CN IP list by running scripts below on linux:

curl ''|\
grep ipv6 | grep CN | awk -F\| \
'{ printf("%s/%d\n", $4, 32-log($5)/log(2)) }' | \
sed -e 's/^/add address=/g' -e 's/$/ list=CNIP/g'|\
sed -e $'1i\\\n/ipv6 firewall address-list' \  
-e $'1i\\\nremove [/ipv6 firewall address-list find list=CNIP]'|\  
sed '$a /file remove CNIPv6.rsc'>CNIPv6.rsc

curl ''|\
grep ipv4 | grep CN | awk -F\| \
'{ printf("%s/%d\n", $4, 32-log($5)/log(2)) }' |\ 
sed -e 's/^/add address=/g' -e 's/$/ list=CNIP/g' \  
-e 's/$/ comment="CNIP"/g' |\  
sed -e $'1i\\\n/ip firewall address-list' \  
-e $'1i\\\nremove [/ip firewall address-list find list=CNIP]' |\  
sed '$a \/' |sed '$a /file remove CNIPv4.rsc'>CNIPv4.rsc

Contains both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses.

The address list may look like this:

/ip firewall address-list
add list=CNIP address=x.x.x.x/xx
add list=CNIP address=x.x.x.x/xx
add list=CNIP address=x.x.x.x/xx

3. Distribution Configuration

(1). Import CN IP List

Open WinBox, and upload CNIPv4.rsc to RouterOS, than open Terminal, and run import CNIPv4.rsc.

(2). Add Route Table

In Terminal run command: /routing/tables/add name=OP fib

(3). Add Proxy Device List

Add Proxy List in Firewall:

/ip/firewall/address-list/add name=proxy address=

We take IP address range to proxy list.

(4). Mangle non-CN IP Connections

Mark Non-CN IP destnation address

add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting comment="ProxyRoute" \
    src-address=proxy dst-address=!CNIP dst-address-type=!local \
    new-routing-mark=OP passthrough=yes 

Add another rule to accept openwrt's flow

add action=accept chain=prerouting comment="BypassOP" \

Assume openwrt's local ip is

(5). Config Route Table

Config route table to openwrt:

/ip/route/add dst-address= gateway= \
    check-getway=ping routing-table=OP distance=1 \
    scope=30 target-scope=10

(6). Change PPPOE's distance

Change PPPOE's distance to 2:

/interface/pppoe-client/set pppoe-CMCC default-route-distance=2

4. Change Distribution if Bypass Router Down

(1). Purpose

  • Shutdown distribution when openwrt down
  • Turn distribution when openwrt up

(2). Config NetWatch

/tool/netwatch/add host= type=simple interval=60 \
    up-script=OPUP.rsc down-script=OPDOWN.rsc

(3). Edit Up & Down Scripts

Up Script:

add dont-require-permissions=yes name=OPUP.rsc owner=admin policy=\
    ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="/\
    ip firewall mangle enable number=???\r\
    \n/ip firewall mangle enable number=???\r\
    \n/ip route enable number=0\r\

Down Script:

add dont-require-permissions=yes name=OPDOWN.rsc owner=admin policy=\
    ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon source="/\
    ip firewall mangle disable number=???\r\
    \n/ip firewall mangle disable number=???\r\
    \n/ip route disable number=0\r\

??? is index number of mangle rules set in MangleRules


