0. Brief¶
Mikrotik's DNS always a confused problem. We are going to introduce SmartDNS to overcome it.
1. Setup SmartDNS Container on Mikrotik¶
A previous post expalined how to do this.
2. SmartDNS Config¶
In this section, we are going to demonstrate the DNS group and flow.
3. DNS Group & Request¶
DNS records will be separate to 3 groups: - China List - resolve with public DNS server configured CHINA group in SmartDNS config file - GFW List - resolve with foreign DNS server configured GFW group in SmartDNS config file - Others - resolve with mixed DNS server configured OverSea group in SmartDNS config file
4. SmartDNS Config¶
server-name SmartDNS
bind :53 -force-https-soa
cache-size 131072
cache-persist yes
cache-file /tmp/smartdns.cache
cache-checkpoint-time 120
prefetch-domain yes
serve-expired yes
serve-expired-ttl 0
serve-expired-reply-ttl 10
serve-expired-prefetch-time 86400
force-qtype-SOA 65
dualstack-ip-selection-threshold 10
dualstack-ip-allow-force-AAAA no
dualstack-ip-selection yes
rr-ttl 60
rr-ttl-min 1
rr-ttl-max 60
max-reply-ip-num 6
max-query-limit 0
response-mode fastest-response
log-level notice
log-file /var/log/smartdns/smartdns.log
log-size 128k
log-num 2
log-file-mode 644
audit-enable yes
audit-file /var/log/smartdns/smartdns-audit.log
audit-size 128k
audit-num 2
<!-- proxy-server socks5:// -name Proxy -->
server-https -group GFW -exclude-default-group -proxy Proxy -http-host one.one.one.one
server-tls -group China -exclude-default-group
server-tls -group OverSea
expand-ptr-from-address yes
mdns-lookup yes
speed-check-mode ping,tcp:80,tcp:443
domain-set -name chinalist -file /etc/smartdns/chinalist.conf
domain-set -name gfwlist -file /etc/smartdns/gfwlist.conf
nameserver /domain-set:chinalist/China
nameserver /domain-set:gfwlist/GFW
domain-rules /domain-set:gfwlist/ -speed-check-mode none
[1]. https://www.right.com.cn/forum/thread-8301362-1-1.html